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Supporting the recent launch of Pollution Solution RoadVent

September 8, 2022

Pollution Solution's 'Roadvent' has been scientifically verified to reduce roadside human exposure to vehicle emissions by 91%.

As a leading, accredited UK supplier and installer of Urban Green Infrastructure, Soft Landscaping, and Irrigation, for over 14 years - Hedera Screens were delighted to be chosen as a contributory partner by Pollution Solution to support their trailblazing new project - Roadvent.

Hedera Screens are the official supplier of green screens to combat air pollution

The designated eco-friendly, sustainable, pollution busting product that was selected for the launch of Roadvent was:


Mobilane Hedera Helix ‘Woerner’ Ivy green screens

Planted in responsibly sourced handmade timber planter boxes and timber posts.


·      Scientifically proven to filter harmful PM10 toxins from road pollution

·      Provides instant privacy, as the screens are grown to height

·      Various heights and species available

·      Can also be ground planted, sleeper beds and using our cabling method

·      Stimulates biodiversity

·      Promotes health and well-being

·      Easy and quick to install

·      Low maintenance

Hedera Screens Ltd

supply and install:

  • Mobilane Ivy Green Screens – ground planted, sleeper bed or timber planter boxes
  • Internal and external Living Walls
  • Internal Moss Walls/Art
  • Sedum green roofs
  • Noistop acoustic barrier fencing
  • LivePicture
  • LiveDivider
  • Soil stabilisation matting
  • Wildflower matting


Complimented by optional commercial soft landscaping, irrigation services and aftercare maintenance.

For urban Greening related enquiries please call

- 01530 560 550
or email:, we’ll be delighted to discuss your individual requirements and advise on how we may assist.

Roadvent has been scientifically verified to reduce roadside human exposure to vehicle emissions by 91%.

Click here for Roadvent YouTube promotional video


Roadvent ™ is the world's first technology, scientifically proven system to be highly effective at reducing human exposure to deadly road based pollution.


Roadvent ™ is now available for worldwide installation at all pollution hot spots.


Roadvent ™ is a low cost, low maintenance system that provides immediate results from installation at reducing roadside pollution levels.


Roadvent ™ is highly effective at capturing and cleaning all major target pollutants, including but not limited to, Particulate matter including PM 2.5 & PM10, Nitrogen oxides (NOₓ), Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and many more.


Many public and workplace spaces are currently in breach of Health and Safety COSHH regulations & WHO (World health organisation) safe recommended limits, Roadvent ™ has the possibility to bring these areas within compliance levels.


Improving public health and reducing the risk of children and adults developing long-term illnesses such as Alzheimers and respiratory diseases caused by pollution exposure is a key focus.


Saving and improving the lives of children who are most at risk from long-term impacts of vehicle pollution due to their shorter height making them closer to the source and less developed bodies (i.e. respiratory functions) making them more likely to develop respiratory conditions such as asthma is also a key focus.


Reducing costs for local councils and governments by reducing the burden on healthcare services due to lower human exposure to deadly pollutants.


Reducing the negative impact ULEZ & CAZ can have on surrounding neighbourhoods that have seen an increase in traffic from drivers avoiding the chargeable zones.


Improving air quality for the whole of society and wildlife, protecting the environment for future generations.


Roadvent ™ is a patented technology that can be immediately adopted and installed on a global scale.


Enabling governments worldwide to achieve their air quality targets, as ratified in the COP26 Agreement.


The installation of Roadvent ™ can help councils, governments and private sector companies to reduce current pollution levels to below the World Health Organisation recommended limits.


How does Roadvent ™ work?

The Roadvent ™ system, installed discreetly into the roadway, captures pollutants as close as possible to the source. Fumes and particulate matter from vehicles are drawn into Roadvent ™, pumped through pipes underground into the roadside filtration unit which removes the pollutant particles and gases to a level of over 98%.

Where can the RoadVent ™ system be used?

The Roadvent ™ system can be installed on any existing or new roadway and will perform most effectively in high-traffic or slow moving traffic locations, also referred to as ‘pollution hotspots’. This includes but is not limited to: schools drop-off and pick-up points, school commuter routes, airport & hospital short-stay points, traffic light junctions, taxi ranks, bus stops congested roads and junctions, and distribution centres.

It must be installed by approved contractors to ensure the efficacy of the system.


When will Roadvent ™ be ready to use?

Right now! Pollution Solution, the environmental technology company behind Roadvent ™, can distribute and install the patented system to over 40 countries.


What are the costs of installing a Roadvent™ system?

Associated costs will vary depending on the requirements, environment, location and subject to a site survey


How big is the Roadvent™ system?

Roadvent ™ is offered in 10 linear metre modules and as many as required can be installed, meaning large stretches of road can also be cleaned.


What is the lifespan of the Roadvent™ system?

Roadvent ™ has been developed to provide a long-term solution (25 years +) to capture and clean high levels of pollutants emitted by all types of vehicles, which are set to be present on our roads for decades to come. The manufacture, materials and processes used in production have all been chosen to reduce the need for maintenance, which also lowers ongoing running costs and energy use.

How do I find out more about Roadvent ™?

You can further details of the system on or contact their dedicated team:

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